Сура Аль-Инфитар аудио

by MyStar

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Surah Al-Infitar Audio Mp3 without Internet, text translation into RussianAl Infitar (Arabic: الانفطار - Cleaving) is the eighty-second surah of the Quran. Meccan Sura. Sent between Suras al-Naziat and al-Inshikak. Consists of 19 verses.It tells about part of the horrors of Doomsday, when every soul knows what it has done and what people, following it and imitating it, have committed from good and evil deeds. Sura warns an arrogant man who does not realize the power and mercy of the Lord who created him. Then, in Sura, it is emphasized that with each person there are guardian angels, worthy scribes, recording his deeds.Source of translation and meaning of this surah: islam.globalaudio source: www.mp3quran.net